Lennon’s Magic Wands

A Little Hero Helping Little Heroes

There is a light penetrating the darkness, the light of stars. Not celestial stars, but Lennon’s stars.

 Darkness descends on parents when their child’s doctor utters the dreaded word “cancer.”

 That six-letter word launches a journey, for the family, through the darkness towards hope, hope for a brighter tomorrow, for a cure. The journey involves fear of the unknown, stress, inexpressible medical procedures, travel to out-of-town hospitals and the financial cost.

 The good news is that there is help. At IWK Children’s Hospital in Halifax the best of the medical profession is brought to bear on the problem. Doctors and nurses toil to bring sunshine back. And don’t forget the Social Workers helping the families throughout their journey, dispensing comfort and relieving stress.

 “Thanks to research we have had great success in treating childhood cancer but the treatments can sometimes last 3 years or more and require follow up for life,” says Phyllis Branch, a New Brunswick Cancer Nurse Navigator. Despite all that professional help and success stories a dark part of the journey still remains, financial.

Six-year-old Lennon Aucoin overheard his Grandfather Gary (Pepere), President of the Lions Sick Children’s Fund chatting with Phyllis Branch a Board Member, about the fund’s need for more funds to help children fighting childhood cancer.

 Lennon later approached his father Sean and said, “I want to help Pepere, so Pepere can help sick kids.” Lennon, who putters around his grandfather’s woodworking shop came up with the idea of making Magic Star Wands, wands that could be sold at a local craft fair. “If moms and dads don’t have enough money to buy medicine, we can give them money to buy medicine.” Said Lennon. To quote Lennon again, there is another benefit to a sick child owning a Magic Star Wand, “they can wish they would not be sick anymore.”

 With the help of family and friends in producing wands, Lennon’s Initiative has raised $7,000 to date. All donated to the Sick Children’s Fund, who will use 100% to offset the cost of family travel.

 Lennon’s Stars have indeed shed some light on many families’ dark journey helping them to achieve their dream of a sunlit tomorrow.

Written by David Owen